Scottish Ladies Golfing Association  (Kilpailulista)

Scottish Ladies Golfing Association, 14.5.2013 - 15.5.2013


Olosuhteet ja käytännön tietoa

The Scottish Ladies' Golfing Association is most grateful to Longniddry Golf Club for granting the courtesy of the course and the use of their Clubhouse during this Championship.


There will be two rounds of stroke play qualifying with one on Tuesday 14 May and one on Wednesday 15 May. The groups and starting times for the second qualifying round shall be determined in accordance with the scores on the first day, players with the lowest scores starting last.

The 32 competitors returning the lowest scores over 36 holes shall qualify for match play. Ties for the last qualifying place or places shall be resolved by hole-by-hole play-off immediately after the last competitor has returned her card. All other ties shall be decided by a card count back over the last 18, 9, 6, 3 or 1 hole(s). If a tie still arises, the last 6, 3 or 1 hole(s) of the first 9 holes of the second round will be used. If necessary, the first round will then be treated in the same way.

The 16 competitors with the next best qualifying scores shall qualify to compete in the second flight match play competition for the Clark Rosebowl. Ties for the last qualifying place or places shall be resolved by a card countback as outlined above.

In accordance with Regulation (f), all competitors MUST register between 10.00am and 4.00pm on Monday 13 May 2013. Please report to the SLGA Registration Desk in the main lounge of the Clubhouse.

Note – In accordance with Regulation (h), competitors must state their availability to compete in each of the match play flights (i.e. to compete for the Championship Cup and the Clark Rosebowl) no later than 4pm on Monday 13 May.


The Tournament Office will be located in the Meeting Room for the duration of the Championship.
Recording will take place in the Spike bar beside the back door.

Times can be booked for a Practice Round on Monday 13 May by contacting the Professional Shop at Longniddry on 01875 852228, times are available from 9.00am – 1.30pm. Play will be in threes.

Longniddry Golf Club are kindly offering competitors the chance to play ONE additional practice round on Sunday 12th May at the reduced rate of £30 after 3pm. This can be booked by contacting the secretary on 01875 852141 or bob@longniddrygolfclub.co.uk and is subject to course availability.

The main practice area is between the 2nd & 3rd hole. There is space for up to six players to use the practice area at the same time. There is also a practice net and putting green beside the car park.

Range balls MUST be used during the following times:
Tuesday 14 May: 8am – 1pm
Wednesday 15 May: 8am – 1pm
Thursday 18 May: 8am – 11.45am

Range balls can be purchased from the professional shop at the cost of £1 per bucket.

There is also a driving range at Meadowmill 3 miles from Longniddry Golf Club.

Competitors are requested to attend a meeting in the main lounge of the clubhouse of Longniddry Golf Club on Monday 13 May 2013 at 6.00pm.

Scorecards will be printed by the SLGA. Please note that we are using a variety of tees, there is copy of the championship scorecard available on the website.

The Starting Official will give scorecards and pin positions to competitors on the 1st Tee. Upon completion of each round, cards should be checked, signed and countersigned before being returned personally to the Tournament Office. (R & A, Rule 6 - 6b)

The draw for the second qualifying round will be made at approximately 6.00pm on Tuesday 14 May. Anyone wishing to withdraw at this stage must notify the Tournament Office before 4.30pm. The players with the highest scores will play first on Wednesday commencing at 9.00am. The match play draws will be posted as soon as possible at the Tournament Office, in the Clubhouse and on the SLGA web-site.

MATCH RESULT CARDS will be given to Competitors on the 1st Tee and should be returned on completion of the match to the Tournament Office.

Refer to the 2013 SLGA Hard Card and any additional handouts.

Distance measuring devices can be used during the Championship. For more information please read the DMD policy attached to this document.

Each player is responsible for playing without undue delay. Each hole has been given a maximum completion time based upon length and difficulty. If a group is "out of position" it will be asked to improve the pace of play. Please refer to Rule 6-7 of the Rules of Golf.

In the event of late withdrawal from the Championship players must notify the SLGA Office by Friday 10 May 2013 on 01738 442357.

Thereafter please telephone the SLGA mobile: 07786 898250.


Live scoring will be in operation at this Championship. Competitors will be asked to give scores to scoring officials at specific holes on the course during Tuesday and Wednesday. Further details will be provided at the Competitors’ meeting.


The Main Scoreboard and Live Scoring TV will be situated in the main lounge of the Clubhouse.
Computer printouts of scores will be available from the Tournament Office.

Trolleys can be hired from the Professional Shop at a cost of £3 per round.

Yardage books are available at a cost of £5. There are distance poles at the side of the fairways indicating 150 to the CENTRE of the greens.

Stroke Play Awards
This will take place on Wednesday 15 May at 8.30pm in the Main Lounge.
Championship Awards - Saturday 18 May, on completion of the Final, weather permitting outside the Clubhouse or in the Main Lounge in the Clubhouse.

Competitors should make every effort to attend both Prizegivings.

Competitors will be made most welcome at Longniddry Golf Club. The Clubhouse will be open from 7am each morning.

Catering will be available from 9.00am until 7.00pm on Monday 14 May and from 9.00am until 7.30pm on each day of the Championship. Competitors wishing to have dinner in the Clubhouse should book tables in advance (ideally at least one day beforehand).

Ladies will have the use of the ladies’ locker room.

Standard SLGA dress code applies.

Longniddry Golf Club and the Scottish Ladies’ Golfing Association will not be held responsible for the safety of clubs, equipment or other valuables.

The Board wishes all competitors a successful Championship

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