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Qualifications The Championship is open to any amateur girl golfer holding a CONGU® UHS Exact handicap of not more than 34.4 or in the case of a competitor from overseas, a certificate of handicap of 34.4 or less from the Secretary of the recognised authority controlling golf in the country from which she enters or from the Secretary of her Club; and who is under 16 years of age on the 1st of January in the calendar year of the event. Competitors holding both a CONGU® and overseas authority handicap must enter the Championship using their CONGU® handicap. A valid CONGU® handicap in Scotland, Wales and England is a CONGU® Competition Handicap. The club maintaining the player's CONGU® handicap must be used for all purposes. The Event Management Committee reserves the right to request the full handicap record from any competitor holding an overseas handicap. Penalty for failure to enter in compliance with this qualification – Disqualification.
Regulations a)The number of entries shall be limited to 102 and, if deemed necessary, the Board may further limit that number. In the event of entries exceeding that limit, players with the highest exact handicaps shall be rejected, if necessary by ballot, which shall take place immediately after the closing date for entries. Unsuccessful entrants will be informed without delay thereafter and their entry fees refunded. Players may notify the SLGA of any reduction in handicap before the closing date for entries. Any alterations must be validated by the Secretary of her Club and notified in writing, by fax or by email.
b)Individual Competitors shall enter on the official entry form. Team nominations must be submitted on the official entry form, signed by an official of the players’ National Association. Both forms are obtainable on application to the Office of the SLGA. Entry forms can be downloaded from the SLGA website - www.slga.co.uk
c)The SLGA Office must receive completed entry forms, accompanied by the entry fee, by 12 noon on the date on which entries close. Late entries will not be accepted.
d)The Event Management Committee nominated by the Board shall be the Stewards of the Event which will be entirely under their control. They reserve the right to refuse entry without assigning a reason and shall settle all disputes during the Event, their decision being final.
e)Competitors must register in person at the SLGA Tournament Office on site between 10am and 4pm on the day prior to the Championship. Penalty for breach – disqualification. Telephone calls may be accepted in exceptional circumstances. Failure to notify withdrawal from the Championship may disqualify a player from future Championships.
Conditions a)The Rules and Regulations governing the Event shall be those of the R&A, the SLGA Hard Card and Local Rules as laid down by the Committee. It will be obligatory for all competitors to play with a ball which is named on the current R&A and USGA list of Conforming Golf Balls. Copies of this list will be available at the event.
b)No trolley pullers or caddies allowed. If during the Championship a player becomes injured, the Event Management Committee may, in exceptional circumstances, appoint a trolley puller.
c)Parents/Guardians/Relatives may not walk on the fairway or speak to the competitors during play.
d)The Committee reserves the right to use films, photographs, pictures and similar references to competitors in practice and play in the publicity arrangements prior to during and after the Championship.
e)Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a stipulated round unless authorised by the Event Management Committee. Permission to ride on any form of transportation must be sought by applying in writing to the SLGA prior to the Championship. Penalty for breach: refer to Rules of Golf, Appendix 1, Part C, Point 8 Transportation
f)A competitor shall not knowingly make use of any drug to enhance her performance. In this respect the attention of competitors is drawn to the prescribed list of drugs issued by UK Sport, a copy of which will be at the SLGA office on site. Any competitor infringing this condition or, if asked to do so, refusing to take a test, may be disqualified.
g)One round of stroke play shall be played on the first day and one round of stroke play on the second day. The individual winner shall be the competitor with the lowest aggregate gross score for both rounds. In the event of a tie the Champion shall be decided by hole-by-hole play-off. All other ties, with the exception of the Team Event, shall be decided by a card countback over the last 18, 9, 6, 3 or 1 hole(s). If still a tie for any other Trophy, it shall be held for an equal period of time and final place(s) shall be shared.
h)There shall be an International Team event played in conjunction with the Championship, for which any country may nominate two teams of two or three players. The two lowest scores of each round shall count for this event. Ties shall be decided by a card countback using the aggregate of the lowest 18 hole second round scores. If still a tie, the aggregate score for the second 9 holes (or 6 or 3 or 1) of the second round will be used. If still a tie, the Trophy shall be held for an equal period of time by each of the teams which have tied and final place(s) shall be shared.
i)Competitors shall start in the groups and times laid down by the Committee.
j)The Event Management Committee reserves the right to make any changes to starting times or the method of play which may become necessary in order to overcome difficulty arising during the playing of the Championship and to ensure as equitable as possible a result.
Trophies, Prizes and Vouchers The St Leonards Cup shall be awarded to the player returning the lowest aggregate gross score and shall be held for one year by her or by the club through which she shall have entered. She shall also receive a voucher. The Murray Donald & Caithness Cup shall be awarded to the player returning the lowest aggregate nett score and shall be held for one year by her or by the club through which she shall have entered. The Team Trophy shall be awarded to the team returning the lowest aggregate gross score and shall be held for one year. Each member of the winning team shall also receive a voucher. Vouchers shall also be awarded for other gross and nett scores. Competitors may win both individual round and aggregate prizes. Where scratch and net prizes have equal value, the scratch prize will be given precedence.