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2012 WOODLAND GOLF VGT TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP & PRO-AM Pagoda Ridge Golf Course Friday & Saturday, SEPTEMBER 29 & 30th $15,000 Pro Purse* $15,000 in Amateur Prizes*
*Based on full field of 50 Pros and 110 Amateurs
Tournament Details and Eligibility
This final VGT Championship of 2012 will consist of the top 40 VGT Member Professionals and top 72 VGT Amateurs on the 2012 CLEVELAND/SRIXON Order of Merit as of Sept.3rd (The top 24 Championship Amateur, top 24 Flight A and top 24 Flight B Amateurs will qualify) plus 38 sponsor invites.
If by Sept.12th the tournament is not filled with the top 50 VGT Professional and top 72 Amateur Members we will open this event up to those players not in this category who pre-register on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Tournament Format
Pro-am: This event is an 36-hole stroke play Championship tournament on Saturday & Sunday, Sept.29th and 30th.
VGT Members have two options:
1. Compete ONLY in the 36 Hole Tour Championship (does not include playing with a Pro, Pro-am dinner or Pro-am Team prizes)
VGT Preferred Amateur Members: $200+hst VGT Basic Amateur or Non-Members: $250+hst (limited spots depending on how many Preferred Members sign up)
*Tee-gift ($60 value) *36 holes of golf (playing with Amateurs in own flight) *Lunch on day one; Dinner on day two *prizing in each flight *qualify for Order of Merit points and year-end awards
2. Compete in both the Team Pro-am event on day one (Sept.29th) and have first round scores carry over for the 36-Hole Championship.
*Tee-gift ($80 value) *18-holes of golf with a top VGT or Canadian Tour Pro on Day one *Compete in Pro-am Team competition on day one (Top 10 teams win prizing - $7,500 value) while at the same time, your 18 hole score couting for the 36-Hole Tour Championship *Lunch and buffet Pro-am Dinner on Day one *Dinner on Day two *18-Holes of golf on day two with players from your handicap flight for a 36-Hole Competition.
Entry Fee & Registration
VGT Professionals: $250 plus HST Non-Member Professionals: $300 plus HST VGT Amateur Members: $250 plus HST VGT Non-member Amateurs: $300 plus HST
36 Hole Stroke Play: The top 24 VGT Amateurs in each flight and 40 Professionals will compete in a 36-hole stroke play Championship, competing within each category of their membership for individual prizes and Order of merit points: Professional, Championship Amateur, Flight A and Flight B Amateur.
Our Professional and Amateur OOM is based on the following point system for this event for each flight: